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Mena Wahezi Runs for Charity: Making a Difference for Sick Children

Running for a cause has become a popular way to raise funds and awareness for various charitable organizations. Mena Wahezi, a passionate advocate for children’s health, has taken up the challenge and is running for the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) in the Bronx, New York. With a focus on raising funds for CHAM’s Quality in Life Team (QUILT), Mena aims to provide palliative care and support for patients and families facing life-threatening and fatal illnesses.

Why Support Mena Wahezi?

Mena Wahezi’s commitment to running for charity goes beyond personal achievement. By supporting Mena’s fundraising efforts, you directly contribute to the well-being of sick children at CHAM. Donations made on Mena’s JustGiving page will help fund CHAM’s Quality in Life Team (QUILT), crucial in providing palliative care and support to patients and their families.

The Impact of Palliative Care

Palliative care is specialized medical care that focuses on improving the quality of life for individuals facing serious illnesses. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), palliative care is an essential component of comprehensive healthcare and should be accessible to all those in need. Unfortunately, many children suffering from life-threatening and fatal illnesses often face physical, emotional, and psychological challenges that require specialized care and support.

Statistics reveal that globally, only 14% of individuals who require palliative care have access to it. This alarming figure highlights the urgent need for organizations like CHAM and initiatives like Mena Wahezi’s fundraising efforts to bridge the gap and ensure that sick children and their families receive the care and support they deserve.

CHAM’s Quality in Life Team (QUILT)

The Quality in Life Team (QUILT) at CHAM is dedicated to providing palliative care services tailored to children and their families’ unique needs. QUILT focuses on pain and symptom management, emotional support, and enhancing patients’ overall well-being. This team of compassionate healthcare professionals works collaboratively with families to develop individualized care plans, ensuring every child receives the best possible support throughout their medical journey.

Your Impact: Tangible Differences

By donating to Mena Wahezi’s fundraising campaign, you have the power to make a tangible difference in the lives of sick children and their families. Your contribution will directly support QUILT’s initiatives, including funding specialized equipment, therapeutic programs, counseling services, and educational resources. These resources provide comfort, relief, and a sense of normalcy for children undergoing treatment and their families.

A Growing Need for Support

The demand for palliative care continues to rise as the number of children affected by life-threatening illnesses increases. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, approximately 53,000 children in the United States die yearly from various causes, including cancer, congenital anomalies, and respiratory disorders. This staggering statistic underscores the importance of organizations like CHAM and the need for continued support to ensure these children receive the care they need during their most vulnerable moments.

Join Mena Wahezi’s Mission Today

Supporting Mena Wahezi’s fundraising efforts is not only a chance to make a difference but also an opportunity to be part of a collective effort to improve the lives of sick children and their families. By donating on Mena’s JustGiving page, you can contribute directly to CHAM’s Quality in Life Team (QUILT) and help ensure that palliative care and support services are accessible to all children facing life-threatening and fatal illnesses.


Mena Wahezi’s dedication to running for charity exemplifies the power of individuals coming together to make a positive impact. By supporting Mena’s fundraising campaign, you can be vital in providing palliative care and support for sick children at the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore. Your donation will make a tangible difference, offering comfort, relief, and a better quality of life for these children and their families. Join Mena Wahezi’s mission today and be part of the change for a brighter future.




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